How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates

When we have a back problem, we always want to try to treat it as soon as possible. One of the best ways to do it is Pilates, which is one of the best sports to strengthen the back.

Pilates is a recently created sport, created by Mr. Pilates, it is a very good sport that serves both to strengthen the back and to strengthen the rest of the body.

It is also a sport with which you will increase flexibility, strength and lung capacity. In addition, those who practice it say that it is a very fun sport and very simple to do once you have a couple of basic notions about it.

In addition, this sport is usually suitable for almost all ages, which does not prevent you from practicing it if you are elderly or if you have any health or mobility problems. Therefore, I am going to teach you how you can practice Pilates to strengthen your back in an easy way, a safe way and a fun way.

What do you need to strengthen your back with Pilates?

  • One tracksuit.
  • to mat

Instructions to strengthen the back with Pilates

  1. Find a Pilates center:
    This might seem like a no-brainer, but it is important that you get to sign up for the best Pilates center possible, one that is good, is close to your city and that does not have a prohibitive budget for your pocket, since the first thing is the first. These three characteristics are usually met in commercial gyms, that is, these huge gyms that are located on the outskirts of cities and that have a very low price but many features. Make sure that the Pilates teacher is a specialist in the field, since if not, it could happen that you have some kind of back problem, the remedy being worse than the disease.
  2. Pilate’s exercises:
    Now that you’re heading to a Pilates center, to kill the bug, I’m going to explain the 3most effective Pilates exercises I know to strengthen the back area. These three exercises are simple, beginner level and can be easily done at home.

    1. Stretching forward:
      The first of all is the exercise of stretching the back forward, an exercise that will increase the flexibility of the upper back area and its muscles. We are going to sit down with our legs stretched out and then we are going to try to touch the tips of our hands with the tips of our feet, without bending our knees. If you don’t make it, don’t worry, but try to make it as far as possible. At the same time that we do it, try to control your breathing and stretch without exerting tension in the neck area, more than anything to avoid injuries.
    2. Superman with one hand and one foot:
      I call him superman because we are going to put ourselves in the position that superman used to fly, but with one hand and one foot. First of all, we are going to lay face down looking at the ground, now we are going to raise our knees and lie down but leaning on them. Now we are going to stretch one arm and support ourselves with the other on the ground and at the same time we are going to stretch the opposite foot of the arm that we are stretching at that moment. Once we hold for about 30 seconds, we must make the change with the other arm and with the other foot.
    3. The half push-up:
      Now we are going to do what I call a half push-up, that is, we are going to start getting into the classic push-up position but with our knees on the ground. Once we are like this, we are going to raise our arms but without raising our legs, making us make a curved line with the body. Here we will notice how our body stretches, strengthening the back and arms in the process.

Tips to strengthen the back with Pilates

  • More exercises: These three exercises only served to strengthen the back and little else, what I want to say is that Pilates is a very rich and extensive sport that can be used very well. As for the rest of the exercises, you will have to learn them on your own in the Pilates classes. For example, you will be able to strengthen the chest, the spine and other elements of the human body with the rest of the Pilates exercises, thus achieving good muscles in the entire body area.


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