Diets for Beginner Bodybuilders

A beginner bodybuilder is any person who has just started bodybuilding training, that is, training with weights. Even if you are a beginner, the subject of...

Sit-Ups in 8 Minutes

The abdominals are a part of the body that, if they are well defined and cared for, greatly stylizes the figure. And it is that if you...

Kundalini Yoga – Everything You Need To Know

Among all the modalities and different versions of yoga, there is one that stands out above the others, for being one of the most...

Power Yoga – Everything You Need To Know

Power Yoga, known as the yoga of power, is nothing more than a variety of yoga as such, which is characterized by understanding a high-impact practice at...

How to Be More Flexible

For us, being more flexible is very important, since many times we live in such a sedentary life that when we need to move and...

How Should I Regain Muscle Mass?

One of the most important aspects if we want to have a good physique is that muscle mass is not lost, although it is usually quite...

What Is Muscle Atrophy

Muscle atrophy is a disorder that consists of the wasting, loss or decrease of skeletal muscle, which occurs when there is an imbalance between the synthesis...

What Is Muscle Tear

We have all wanted to enter the fitness world at some point and we start doing basic exercises at home or we join the gym closest...

How to Breathe In Yoga

In life there are many things that help us live better and maintain our health to the fullest, but to achieve this we must...

What Is Muscle Hypertrophy

We often see bodybuilding shows where both men and women show off sculpted bodies full of huge muscles all over. Even in the places that we thought...

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How to Take a Deep Breath

Although breathing is a reflex action that is necessary to continue living, on many occasions we do not do it correctly. We should not be alarmed because we...

How to Calculate BMI

Worrying about our body and weight is a very common and natural problem among all of us. And it is that keeping the body at its ideal...

How to Train Your Back

These are some exercises to work and strengthen your back both in a gym and at home. Exercises in a gym. Number One: Deadlift It serves to give more corpulence to...

How to Tackle a Decathlon

Decathlon is a sport that requires a lot of endurance and effort. It is a strong exercise that is made up of athletics and cycling. Either of the two...

How to Relieve Tired Legs

Tired or fatigued legs are one of the most common ailments today and this is how the legs are mainly due to poor circulation. This is one of the causes, but...

How to Differentiate Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise

People often have problems differentiating between aerobic and anaerobic exercise, mainly because they are semantically similar words that are pronounced in a similar way. Both one...

How to Swim Breaststroke

Swimming breaststroke is the same as swimming breaststroke, it is a swimming style in which the swimmer must float face down, the arms must...