How to Strengthen Your Knees

The knees are one of the most used parts of the human body, as well as one of the most delicate parts of it. We use them constantly, when we run, when we walk, when we sit down, they even support our legs when it comes to supporting our weight.

Because they are constantly used, they also suffer great wear and tear, when we get older we notice how our knees weaken and how they suffer, how worn knees no longer serve us as well as before, if we use our knees to run after a while to begin with they begin to hurt us and we cannot continue, or even young athletes who end their careers prematurely due to knee injuries.

we know how painful it can be to have worn knees, so here are some tips to strengthen them, so you will not only be able to relieve pain, but also prevent and delay injuries and wear.

What do you need to strengthen your knees?

  • Comfortable shoes, preferably running shoes, the support point are important for our knees and our feet.
  • A tracksuit or tights, to exercise we need comfortable clothes.
  • Mats, for a more comfortable support of the back with the ground.
  • Some dumbbells and a barbell with discs, if you are an advanced user.
  • A bicycle

Instructions to strengthen the knees

  1. Walking and running raising your knees:
    In a very easy exercise to do, you only need a tracksuit and sneakers, walk or run normally but raising your knees to your hips when doing it, this exercise is very good to strengthen your knees if you do it properly and if not abused.
  2. The star exercise of the gym, in addition to being good for the whole leg and helping to progress in the rest, also strengthens the knees, it is important to warm up and start very gently, since poor execution or overtraining can cause the opposite of what we are looking for. You must first open your legs to the width of your shoulders, then stick your buttocks out and lower without arching your back until your knees form a right angle with your buttocks, and then rise until you return to the starting position, repeat the exercise until you finish the repetitions, if you are an advanced user, place an Olympic bar loaded with a weight that you can control on your back and hold it while you perform the exercise.
  3. A variant of the squat that is also very effective both in the work of the legs and the knees, consists first of bringing one leg forward, second with the non-advanced leg, lowering until the knee gently touches the ground, and then rising slowly. Gently, move the leg that was behind and with the new leg behind, perform the exercise again, and so on until the repetitions are completed, if you are an advanced user, take a dumbbell with your hands to add resistance.
  4. Knee shrugs on the floor.
    Lie on a mat stretched out, then bend your knees towards you, until they touch your chest, this exercise is ideal for beginners since it does not subject the knees to excessive resistance.
  5. Riding a bike is one of the best exercises for your knee, the knee always works but gently without risk of injury, and it is also an exercise that does not require an advanced level to perform, so dust off your bike and go for a ride, your worn knees will thank you, yes, stretch when you finish.

Tips to strengthen your knees

  • Perform a good warm-up: Many injuries occur due to a sudden change in temperature in the muscle, going from being cold to making a great effort can be fatal for the knee, so perform joint mobility exercises gently to prepare muscle for exercise.
  • Stretch at the end: Just like warming up, stretching is important, it prevents the knees from stiffening and helps to recover their normal temperature in a natural way. Do it gently and with good technique.
  • Know your limits: When performing squats or exercises with scissors, you must progress naturally and slowly, because if we put weights that we are not prepared to lift, we will end up injured.
  • If you have problems, go to your doctor: If you have knee pain, do not let it go, go to your specialist doctor as soon as possible, perhaps what seems like a simple pain can later lead to a serious knee ailment, so if you notice great pain in it, go to your doctor now


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