What Is Muscle Stretching

Muscle elongation consists of offering the muscles to reach their normal state after an exercise routine, sport or extreme training and it is necessary that the muscle...

How Many Are the Normal Pulsations

The body is made up of systems that regulate and improve its functioning, and are integrated by the organs. They are: the muscular system, the...

Epicondylitis or Tennis Elbow: Treatment and Prevention

One of the most common and painful ailments at the same time is the so-called epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, an ailment that will...

The Bicycle – Advantages and Contraindications

The bicycle is one of the most used means of transport in large cities. It allows you to move comfortably and avoid possible jams. In addition, it also makes...

What Are the Benefits of Swimming?

The benefits of swimming have been medically proven for a long time. When practicing this exercise, the extremities of the body are put into play and at the same time...

Muscletech: Risks, Uses and How to Take Muscletech

Muscletech is one of those leading brands in the world of bodybuilding, a brand that is synonymous with quality and that offers you a large...

Stretching Exercises for a Flexible and Healthy Body

When doing physical exercise, of any kind, it is always very important to do stretching exercises. Do not forget to do them both before and after the...

High Beats: What Do They Mean?

High pulses. Do you know that they are? It has to do with the times in which the heart contracts causing beats per minute, which are measured...

How to Do Pilates to Lose Weight

Pilates is a sport that today has many followers thanks to the fact that it is a perfect activity to take care of our...

Pulsations at Rest: What Initiate Us

The cardiac pulsations indicate when the heart makes its movements, so that it can pump the necessary blood so that the whole organism can function by...

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When receiving body massages, you surely agree with me that one of the areas where tension is released the most is definitely the shoulders. In...

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These warm-up exercises are the most important part of all physical training, especially if this is going to be a routine that requires physical effort, such...

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We often see bodybuilding shows where both men and women show off sculpted bodies full of huge muscles all over. Even in the places that we thought...