Shoulder Exercises – How To Do Shoulder Exercises

The shoulder is made up of; an oval joint and a cavity that allow it to perform multiple and different movements, but that do not...

Arm Exercises – How To Do Arm Exercises

Training and doing arm exercises is of vital importance for the day to day life of any person. In addition to helping maintain a healthy...

How To Train Cross fit – Tables, Tips and Tricks

In recent years, Cross Fit has become one of the most popular disciplines in the fitness industry. This great measure is due to the fact...

High Intensity Exercises – How To Do High Intensity Exercises

We live in a society dominated by stress and haste. We want to train but we don't have time, hardly even to eat. Last minute meetings,...

20 Perfect Songs for Exercise

Choosing good songs to exercise is essential if we want to maximize our performance when it comes to weight training, contact sports or even going for...

Exercises For Pregnant

Human pregnancy is a period of approximately 40 weeks that elapses from the implantation of the zygote in the uterus, until delivery where the...

What Is Muscle Tone

Surely on more than one occasion you have heard about muscle tone, but it may be that you do not really know what muscle tone...

10 Very Effective Weight Loss Exercises

When we intend to lose weight, one of the important steps is diet but also exercise. At that point where we look for the most effective...

Warm Up Exercises – How to Do Warm Up Exercises

These warm-up exercises are the most important part of all physical training, especially if this is going to be a routine that requires physical effort, such...

Triceps Exercises – How To Do Triceps Exercises

What guy doesn't like when the girls stare at him when he walks by? And it is that with defined triceps you cannot go anywhere...

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