5 Techniques to Run Better

Running is a natural activity of the human being that has followed us since the beginning of our existence, even throughout our evolution. Most of...

How to Practice Spinning At Home

Spinning is becoming the favorite way of doing sports for many people. Spinning or cycling is an excellent way to exercise within a closed circuit, normally...

How to Train For a Marathon

Marathons are an excellent way to have fun and show the resistance to which we can put our body when running. If you or someone...

The Best Outdoor Sports

The Spaniards can boast of an unparalleled landscape ensemble. In addition, of all kinds of beaches, mountains and valleys not only ideal for tourism and spending...

How to Play Beach Volleyball

It is common to see a net, volleyball and two teams practicing this entertaining sport on the sand and under the sun on the...

4 Water Sports

Water sports are also called aquatic whose common characteristic that defines them is the vital liquid and that are practiced in rivers, seas, lakes, swimming pools...

How to Play Sports for Fun

As we know many people when it comes to physical exercise are obsessed with achieving certain results, they need to achieve their goals by whatever means. In...

How to Practice Rappelling

Rappelling is a basic maneuver used to descend through all types of walls, walls and vertical surfaces, such as those that can be found when mountaineering, caving and in...

12 Tennis Players Who Have Made History

We want to highlight 12 tennis players who have made history, without ordering them by their achievements or times of greatest success, simply because they...

How to Choose a Rugby Ball

A sport that, although not very famous in Spain, is becoming more and more accepted is rugby, a ball sport that combines passing ability, hitting...

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The Different Styles of Yoga

One of the most rewarding and relaxing sports in the world is Yoga. Yoga is an activity that serves to revitalize both the body and to...

My Protein: My Protein Store and Its Products

If you like the world of sports, of food supplements and what you are looking for is to have a cultivated body, you probably...

6 Contact Sports

Contact sports are all those that need the use of the hands or legs to defend themselves and are born as a result of the struggle of the...

How to Train Your Back

These are some exercises to work and strengthen your back both in a gym and at home. Exercises in a gym. Number One: Deadlift It serves to give more corpulence to...

How to Deadlift

Deadlifting is essential if you want to one day achieve a great physique in the gym. However, it is an exercise that is not usually done very...

High Intensity Exercises – How To Do High Intensity Exercises

We live in a society dominated by stress and haste. We want to train but we don't have time, hardly even to eat. Last minute meetings,...

13 Exercises to Grow

Many people live with a complex, because they do not have the height they would like, and that ends up becoming a problem of...