How to Practice Spinning At Home

Spinning is becoming the favorite way of doing sports for many people. Spinning or cycling is an excellent way to exercise within a closed circuit, normally spinning consists of pedaling on a stationary bicycle alone or with more people while we receive orders of a professional monitor, it is effective in losing weight since it normally forces us to make many changes of rhythm and we work both pedaling sitting down and pedaling standing up.

Most commercial gyms are equipped with spinning bikes and personalized classes with an instructor, but there are people who cannot or do not want to go to the gym, people who do not have a gym nearby, or people who can only go to classic gyms that They don’t have these kits, and this can be a problem…

It is possible to practice spinning from home, it is not very complicated to do and it is just as effective as in the gym, so here are the instructions to be able to do it.

What do you need to practice spinning at home?

  • An exercise bike prepared for spinning, now they are sold almost anywhere, the difference with conventional exercise bikes is that the resistance can be better adjusted and you can stand up comfortably.
  • A monitor or television, this will be used to put the videos, if you use a monitor the videos will be seen through the computer, if you use the television then you can do it in several ways, if it is a smart TV you can configure the television directly with an internet connection, and if the television is conventional, we can record the videos on DVD or use a flash drive in a DTT receiver that reads videos.
  • Space in your home, you obviously need enough space to put the TV in front of the bike.

Instructions for practicing spinning at home

  1. Choose the bike:
    Choosing the right bike is very important, you need a special bike for spinning, they can be found in department stores, on the internet and in sports stores such as decathlon. Don’t be afraid to make a good investment as a good bike will give you a better exercise experience and last for years, once purchased, adjust the pedals, handlebars and saddle to your height and size.
  2. Look for classes on YouTube:
    The easiest method to spin from home is to search for spinning classes on YouTube, a simple Google search will return many classes, you can start by looking for classes for beginners, and there are hundreds of them. Download or watch the video from your monitor, turn it up loud enough so you can hear it, and follow the instructions while you work.
  3. es:
    It is an excellent page full of specialized instructors, it has both spinning classes and classes with elliptical rowing machines, and it has classes for both beginners and advanced each one different from the previous one. It is a company that knows how to play well with sounds and that will make you a very enjoyable class, I personally recommend it. To start register at, once registered you can choose between downloading the free classes or for only 5 euros per month to have access to all the classes of the program.

Tips for practicing spinning at home

  • Consult your doctor: If you have cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease or think you have any ailment related to your physical or cardiovascular capacity, ask your doctor first, tell him about your situation and the doctor will advise you whether you can exercise or not. Also, if you are an elderly person or have never played sports, you should also ask your GP.
  • Start with the basics: Spin classes need stamina, so it’s best to start with the easy ones to get the hang of it don’t start with the advanced ones or you’ll get discouraged too soon.
  • Adjust the height of the bike correctly: This is crucial, since a height that is too high can make it difficult to reach the pedals and a height that is too low can make it too hard to pedal sitting down, so adjust the handlebars and the saddle to the correct height. Height of your hip, you should also tighten the saddle and handlebar tightly, otherwise it could come loose.
  • Good technique: The correct technique is ideal to avoid problems in the long run, first we must pedal with our feet flat on the ground, to avoid damage to the knee, then we must have our wrists straight and without tension, third when we stand up we must change the grip of the hands, when we are sitting the hands go to the center of the handlebar, when we are raised they go to the sides of the handlebar. Also keep your back straight and your neck free of tension and above all feel comfortable.


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