Beats Per Minute: What Do They Tell Us?

The pulsations are those that you can measure through the wrist with the index and middle fingers, on the left side and at the base of...

Stretching Exercises for a Flexible and Healthy Body

When doing physical exercise, of any kind, it is always very important to do stretching exercises. Do not forget to do them both before and after the...

How Many Are the Normal Pulsations

The body is made up of systems that regulate and improve its functioning, and are integrated by the organs. They are: the muscular system, the...

Muscletech: Risks, Uses and How to Take Muscletech

Muscletech is one of those leading brands in the world of bodybuilding, a brand that is synonymous with quality and that offers you a large...

Low Pulse: What Do They Mean?

Sometimes you have felt low pulse rates or that your heart stops momentarily, because it is a condition called bradycardia and it is when the heart...

How to Do Pilates to Lose Weight

Pilates is a sport that today has many followers thanks to the fact that it is a perfect activity to take care of our...

Whey Protein: Risks, Uses and How to Take Whey Protein

Whey proteins or Whey protein are one of the most complete foods for bodybuilders and for everyone who practices weightlifting. There are many reasons why they are. First...

What Are the Benefits of Swimming?

The benefits of swimming have been medically proven for a long time. When practicing this exercise, the extremities of the body are put into play and at the same time...

Muscle Milk: Risks, Uses and How to Take Muscle Milk

Muscle milk is a brand of protein-based food supplements, which has become one of the largest brands in the world in this sector of sports...

The Bicycle – Advantages and Contraindications

The bicycle is one of the most used means of transport in large cities. It allows you to move comfortably and avoid possible jams. In addition, it also makes...

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How to Measure Beats Per Minute

The heart rate, pulse or pulsations are the number of beats that the heart normally makes per minute, being what gives life to this organ so...

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If you're playing contact takedown sports like mixed martial arts or vale Tudor, you'll know that knowing how to take down an opponent in combat...

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