How Many Are the Normal Pulsations

The body is made up of systems that regulate and improve its functioning, and are integrated by the organs. They are: the muscular system, the skeletal system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the nervous system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the reproductive system, the lymphatic system, the immune system, and of course, the circulatory system . The latter is made up of the heart and blood vessels, which in turn are responsible for circulating blood through the body, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the organs. It is also made up of blood cells.

The cardiovascular system – as it is also known – works to transport food and oxygen to the cells, collecting metabolic waste that must be eliminated by the kidneys in the normal process of urine. Through the air that is exhaled through the lungs, waste is also eliminated.

As we mentioned, each system that makes up the human body is in turn made up of different organs. The latter are body structures with different sizes and representations. Likewise, they are composed of cellular masses, called tissues. Which perform vital and specific functions within the human anatomy, marking its firm operation?

Meanwhile, the heart is the most important organ of the circulatory system, both in animals and in humans, as living entities. In men, it is the muscle responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. This pumping is driven by the movements of systole and diastole. In itself, the first corresponds to the contraction of the heart, to expel blood to the rest of the tissues. While the second movement concerns the relaxation of the muscle to receive the blood pumped through the tissues. Thus, what we know as the circulatory cycle is formed made up of the two previously integrated movements.

Derived from this, the heart is the muscle that works the most within the human body. Well, it has been calculated that it beats around 115,000 times during the day, deducing that it beats 80 times per minute, which would be, annually, 42 million times. Therefore, even when we are resting, the heart continues to work, pumping about a million bloods, measured in barrels.

In relation to the above, the heartbeat corresponds to the heart rate, which is represented by the number of times the muscle contracts per unit of time. It can be measured at the moment of rest of the human body, or when it is in activity. Therefore, the result will vary; which is expressed in beats. Therefore, to know the palpitations of the human being, you must touch the pulse of the same, and calculate.

Thus, the pulse of a person is that palpitation caused by the expansion of their arteries due to the circulation of blood, which is pumped by the heart. To determine them and know how many there are per second, the areas where the arteries are closest to human touch, that is, the skin, must be palpated. For this reason, it is customary to measure the palpitations at the level of the neck, the temple, and of course, the wrist.

For this reason, the measurement of the pulse is relevant, since it provides essential information about the person’s health, and through it, any deviation that is occurring in the normal heart rate can be determined, which could be due to some disease. Also, the pulse rate helps define if the person’s heart is pumping the blood necessary for the maintenance of the rest of the organs.

What do you need

  • Heart Rate Monitor – How to Use a Heart Rate Monitor


The pulse is considered the basic and essential element to know the degree of intensity with which a physical effort is being developed. In addition, it reveals the physical fitness that the person performs. Thus, the pulse is a wave originating in the heart and transcended through all the arteries. This occurs once the heart contracts – causing a heartbeat – circulating blood throughout the rest of the body. Likewise, determining the pulse that a person has will control the degree of demand and intensity of the physical exercises that they practice. Therefore, it must be taken before, during and after training. Next, we tell you and “how many are the normal pulsations!”, and how to measure the pulse.

How many are the normal pulsations?

Normal pulsations vary according to the influence exerted by some factors, such as age, sex, hemoglobin, body weight, among others. Then, the normal figures of the pulsations are classified by age, once the rest of the factors have been considered.

  1. Newborn: age (0 – 30 days), ideally, it should present pulses around 70 to 190, beats per minute.
  2. Babies: age (01 – 11 months), the appropriate thing is to present 80 to 120 beats per minute.
  3. Children: age (01 – 10 years), pulses round 70 to 120 per minute is suitable.
  4. Adolescents and adults: their suitable pulsations are around60 to 100 beats per minute.

Heart rate outside the normal pulse figures

Once you locate your age in the previous figures, and notice that there is a slight or great lack of control, either because it is above or below the ideal values, it can be due to two main causes:

  1. Tachycardia: occurs when the pulse values ​​are above normal values.
  2. Bradycardia: this occurs when the pulse values ​​are below normal values.

Zones and/or points to take the pulse

The ease of feeling the pulse is determined by the person’s blood pressure, so locate a part of your body where the artery can be compressed against a bone. In this way, the most frequent areas are:

  1. Radial point (wrist):It is located on the back of the wrists, between the radial carpal tendon and the radial artery.
  2. Ulnar point: located on the side of the wrist, as close as possible to the little finger, where the radial artery can be palpated.
  3. Dorsal point of the foot: located on the instep of the foot, there, the dorsal artery of the foot is located.
  4. Posterior tibia point: located behind the ankle, under the medial malleolus, there, the posterior tibia artery is located.
  5. Femoral point: located in the thigh of the leg, there, the femoral artery is located.
  6. Popliteal point: located at the back of the knees, in the popliteal fossa.
  7. Carotid point: located at the height of the neck, there is the carotid artery.
  8. Temporal point: located in the area of ​​​​one hundred, diagonal to the ears, there, the temporal artery is located.

How to take the pulse?

Once we have mentioned how many the normal pulsations and the different points in the body are where you can palpate the superficial arteries, we will explain the procedure to take and calculate the pulse. In this example, we will use the radial point. For it,

You will need to

  1. A watch with a second hand.
  2. Pen and notebook to write down the data.


  1. Position: take a seat five minutes before palpating the indicated area. Have at hand, the watch with a second hand.
  2. Remove: remove any uncomfortable or pressure-bearing items on your wrist, such as watches or bracelets. Keep your hand up with your elbow slightly bent.
  3. Press: Using the index and middle fingers of the other hand, press on the wrist. To feel the pulsations, it is important that you place your two fingers below the tendon that joins the thumb, below the wrist. Press down firmly, and feel your pulse.
  4. Observe the second hand: once you place your fingers on the radial artery, observe the second hand of the clock, when it is located at 12 o’clock; count the beats for 30 sec. Then, write down the result with the pen, in the notebook, multiply by 2 and you will get your heart rate in beats per minute.
  5. Irregular pulse: if on the contrary, you have an irregular pulse, presenting difficulty in counting the beats; Count for a minute and don’t multiply. That way, you can determine your heart rate in beats per minute.


Knowing how many the normal pulsations are, would allow you to save your life in the event of any lack of control that you suffer and you cannot go to the doctor in the first instance. For this reason, we previously indicated the standard figures of pulsations according to age. In the meantime, here are some useful tips to guide you.

  1. At the time of measuring the pulsations, it is important not to have consumed stimulants such as caffeine or nicotine (among others); so they will increase your heart rate.
  2. If you have an irregular pulse, and you get a heart rate below 60 or above 100, see your doctor.
  3. It is recommended that before starting a rigorous physical training plan, you know your heart rate per minute, before and after jogging. This will identify your current physical fitness, and will allow you to adapt your training to the values ​​shown. Don’t try too hard.
  4. Once you have calculated your heart rate and notice that there is a slight lack of control, consult your doctor to clear up any doubts. Perhaps, you got confused at the time of calculation. Or, actually, it is due to a medical condition that you are suffering from. It is preferable to have a medical check-up to rule out diseases.


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