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Exercises for a Flat Stomach

Achieving a flat stomach is one of the most coveted goals among people seeking maximum aesthetics and physical and mental health. We call a flat stomach a...

How to Train TRX: Military Training

TRX is the fashionable sport. It was created by the US Army to maintain excellent physical condition without too many materials and without too much space. Today it is...

Types of Dribbling In Football

What is dodge They are sudden and fast movements that a player makes with his body in order to overcome a player from the opposing...

How to Avoid Cramps

Many times when we do any type of physical exercise, it is almost inevitable that certain discomforts such as cramps appear , which can spoil a...

How to Do Cardio Exercises

A good physical and mental state will depend largely on physical exercise and a balanced diet. When we want to lose body weight to...

How to Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Exercising and playing sports every day is a common recommendation from doctors and specialists in physical well -being to keep our heart in shape, which is...

How to Measure Beats Per Minute

The heart rate, pulse or pulsations are the number of beats that the heart normally makes per minute, being what gives life to this organ so...