How to Train Cycling – Tables, Tips And Tricks

Before starting cycling or wanting to understand how to train cycling, you have to keep in mind that this discipline, like any other sports discipline, requires training levels.

There are many high-performance sports that can be ideal for obtaining a complete and comprehensive training, as well as being disciplines that can excite us and have fun. One of the disciplines that today has become very common among fitness lovers is cycling, since this sport trains the legs, the buttocks, increases our cardiopulmonary resistance and burns a lot of calories, which is why it is ideal for losing weight quickly. And control our weight, as well as maintain a good healthy and athletic figure.

Practicing this sport will help you gain more strength in your legs, increase muscle mass in your legs, especially in your calves and thighs, and of course, slim your gluteal muscles. Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, knowing how to train cycling can be the perfect way to get specialized lower body training that you can do as a standalone discipline or to complement other exercise routines that you want to supplement.

In other words, the intensity of the exercises that a person who is already advanced in this practice would do is not the same as the intensity that a beginner who has never exercised this type of activity before and who is just beginning with them will require. Believe it or not, cycling not only requires pedaling at full strength, it is an intense exercise that requires great physical resistance, especially since we are subjecting our body to intense activity, especially our cardiorespiratory and muscular systems. To find out what is the best way to learn to train cycling, we recommend that you carefully read each of the points that we will be listing below.

What do you need to train Cycling – Tables, Tips and Tricks?

  • Toilet
  • proper nutrition
  • Sportswear
  • discipline

Instructions to train Cycling – Tables, Tips and Tricks

  1. It is important to be within a reasonable age range to start this practice. Although there is no defined age to be able to do it, it is recommended that if you are under 16 or over 50 you ask a professional if you are in the right conditions to be able to practice cycling and if it could be too intense for your state of health. In case you can do it in any way, we recommend that before starting this or any other training, you prepare your schedules and habits to be able to deal with this activity more easily and making the most of what cycling has to offer you.
  2. With life habits we mean food, customs and time disposition. If you really want to get a good benefit from this activity or in general from any sporting activity, it will be necessary that you have the possibility to do it at least 3 times a week, since this way our body will be able to adapt and obtain a more adequate physical condition in less time without over-exerting ourselves. Make sure that your diet provides you with enough carbohydrates and protein to be able to resist training without affecting your health or being able to worsen a malnutrition problem. If necessary, it would be recommended that you go to a nutritionist who can guide you on what type of diet to follow in relation to your lifestyle, tastes, preferences, time availability and, of course, physical activity.
  3. The type of diet that an athlete follows before a competition (in this case low glycemic index carbohydrates would be recommended) is not the same as the diet that he or she would follow after the competition (proteins would be preferred to help repair the muscle wasted), or the diet you would eat daily (in which you would include carbohydrates and proteins as well as other sources of minerals and energy in each meal). Likewise, the portions of the day before the competition and the portions of the same day of the competition, are very serious things that must be taken into account. To receive the best benefit of our food and training. Generally, before the competition, the ideal would be to consume little protein and avoid fat consumption as much as possible. Likewise, before going to sleep it is important to drink water and on the day of the competition, fast for at least 3 hours before competing.
  4. It is important to do pre-cycling training. This type of training consists of increasing our strength and physical resistance to begin to condition our body for the load that will be involved after performing cycling activities, which will require a lot of strength and physical resistance. Doing weights and cardiovascular exercises such as running or jumping on a trampoline could be ideal activities to complement our cycling exercises. Swimming is also a good option, especially because by swimming we are training all the muscles in our body as well as increasing our cardiopulmonary resistance, which will be perfect to prepare for cycling.
  5. Even when you are starting cycling or already have some experience in this field, it is important to continue complementing our training with more resistance and strength exercises and not limit ourselves to a single discipline, because if we do not give our body a comprehensive training, we will not we will achieve the best results or it could even be counterproductive with our body. Neither extreme is good, and limiting ourselves to just one type of physical activity will do nothing but lead us to stagnation and mediocrity.
  6. Try to use machines or equipment suitable for your body type. The bike that a 180 cm tall person would use is not the same as that used by a 157 cm tall person, so make sure that the device you use is appropriate to your comforts and needs. Do not force yourself to use a bike or machine that is taller or larger than you need, this could be harmful.
  7. If you are going to train for seasons, you will need to do a preparation training and at the end of a rest and maintenance training. The way we train for a competition is not the same as the way we train to keep our body in shape without implying a competition or championship. When we train for a competition we are subjecting our body to a series of activities and habits that will help us to give our best on the track, to get all our strength and sports potential when riding the bike. But when we talk about training for maintenance or for rest (post-competition), it is important to reduce the activity of our body to avoid mishaps.
  8. The stitches or lactic acid is something that you are going to have to learn to control and not despair. One of the problems for beginners in cycling is that they have to go too fast. We don’t just mean fast in the sense of riding the bike, but they give their all and don’t manage speed and strength. This has the consequence that when it comes to giving all of oneself, the pain begins that cannot be endured any longer and ends up forcing the body. Don’t do that, it’s the most absurd thing you can do. Everything in life has a rhythm and running too, do not expect to increase the speed of your legs from 0 to 100. Start off slowly and gradually increase as your body builds strength and endurance. It is recommended that you use a trainer to be able to do it with control and care. Do not despair; you can increase the speed when your body has already acquired enough resistance.

Cycling Training Tips – Tables, Tips and Tricks

We hope that all these tips will be useful to you. Remember that it is important to have a personalized diet to be able to train cycling, even if you do not do it for the purpose of competing, it is necessary that you know how to eat well and always be well hydrated.


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