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Reebok Nano: Tips and Advantages

In recent years, the word Cross fit has been heard, although many are still not very clear about what it is. Cross fit is a discipline...

How to Run Every Day

One of the sports activities that has been gaining more followers every day is running, this is due to the benefits that it gives...

How to Be More Flexible

For us, being more flexible is very important, since many times we live in such a sedentary life that when we need to move and...

How to Get Back Into Training after Giving Birth

For many women, pregnancy means stopping sports activities or at least having to slow down their training, this is normal because priority is given...

Exercises for Flabby Arms

Flabby arms are a symptom of several things in our body, including lack of strength, lack of training, and excess body fat in the arm area. When...

How to Take a Deep Breath

Although breathing is a reflex action that is necessary to continue living, on many occasions we do not do it correctly. We should not be alarmed because we...

How to Breathe In Pilates

Pilates is a very complete exercise that helps you regain flexibility in your body and keep all your muscles toned. Contrary to the popular belief...