How to Run Every Day

One of the sports activities that has been gaining more followers every day is running, this is due to the benefits that it gives to the body and mind of the people who practice it and it is also economical and is done outdoors, in this article we will explain how to run every day.

Thus, runningrunning, jogging or jogging as they are also known, is a beneficial exercise for the body, since it helps prevent certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension and obesity, helps reduce the possibility of developing cancer of the breast, osteoporosis and other types of diseases.

Likewise, it serves to carry out better weight controlreleases stresstones and strengthens the muscles of the legs, abdomen, arms and back, reduces cellulite, helps you rest better if you do it at night, contributes to improve self-esteem who practices it.

The important thing is that in addition to all these benefits, it is free, you do not need special equipment or instruments to run it, which has allowed its popularity to grow.

However, it is important that you follow some instructions to start practicing it, since you can injure yourself and cause a negative impact on your body, so it is recommended that you go to your doctor for a medical evaluation, especially if you are presenting some of these symptoms:

  •     cardiorespiratory problems
  •     Spinal conditions.
  •     Osteoarthritis, arthritis or problems with cartilage or bones.
  •     Major foot injuries.

This in order to prevent health complications that can be generated by starting a sports practice without the knowledge of possible complications to your body.

Another aspect that you must learn is to control your breathing, this practice will help you breathe better and prevent you from suffering from headaches, flatus or arrhythmias.

Plan the number of kilometers you want to achieve, always setting small goals that you can improve as your training progresses, do not start with a very long mileage, if you are not used to running or you will easily be disappointed and abandon the practice.

What do you need to run every day?

  • sportswear
  • desire to run

Instructions for running every day

  1. Start with a warm-up, the exercises recommended for it should be soft and slow, as well as stretching, with which you will loosen the joints and avoid trauma to them.
  2. The stretching routine for dummies is recommended. Lower body: legs and buttocks then continue with the upper body.
  3. These exercises cannot be abrupt and should not present pain, if that were to happen we must evaluate what we are doing incorrectly.
  4. Following the exercises and stretches, incorporate a walk, which can last about 10 minutes, pick up the pace, little by little, to go jogging and then you can start running.
  5. Remember to create your warm-up routine, it is necessary and important to never skip it, you should always start your sports activities with a good warm-up beforehand.
  6. When starting to run, avoid heavy footsteps, these can injure your foot and also, keep your head up while you run.
  7. Gradually increase the training time, so the body gradually adapts to this type of exercise.
  8. When you are running, move your arms in harmony with your body, make sure your movements are natural, without forcing them, push yourself with your arms and try to make your body have a 90° inclination, to avoid stiffness
  9. Plan the route you will follow while running, choose the one you like best and feel comfortable, remember that one of the benefits of this activity is to release stress and relax.
  10. The most recommended time by specialists to perform this exercise is first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon, especially in hot weather, since at that time the environment is cooler.
  11. At the end of the activity, it is important that you do the same stretching exercises with which you started the warm-up, you should never finish abruptly, this will affect your performance and your body will thank you.
  12. Running is not just putting on your shoes and going out to race, it is doing it consciously to make the most of all the virtues that this sport entails.

In this order of ideas, the Spanish Society of Traumatology in Sport offers the following advice for those who are starting out in this sport

Tips for running every day

  1. Take into account the environmental conditions, such as temperature, wind, humidity and sun, this because the organism to function well must maintain a body temperature of 37 ° Celsius, which will be achieved if you take the necessary measures when going out to run, according to the aforementioned environmental agents.
  2. Wear clothes that are appropriate for the type of activity you are going to do, preferably cotton clothes, light colors, especially white and loose-fitting, that allow sweat to evaporate easily and not remain on the clothing. Don’t forget to include some sunglasses.
  3. Use protective creams from the sun’s rays, which protect your skin from harmful radiation from the sun, avoiding skin cancer, premature aging and sunburn. Apply it before going for a run.
  4. Footwear is extremely important when starting sports, since this type of activity will generate great stress on your feet, so you must take this into account when starting this activity.
  5. According to the previous advice, it is important that you use suitable shoes, they do not necessarily have to be expensive, just try to make them comfortable and those they adapt to your footprint, since the model that you should select that best suits you will depend on it.
  6. Remember to wear socks when you go running, this way you will avoid blisters and calluses, as well as other types of foot injuries, due to the rubbing of the same with the footwear.
  7. If you have doubts regarding footwear, visit a medical or podiatric professional, so that they can evaluate you and prescribe a specific correction for the shoes you use to run.
  8. Drink water. It is important that the body stays hydrated, so drink water in three stages of sports activity, before starting, during the walk and after finishing. Water is the best drink to regenerate the liquid lost during practice.
  9. If at any time during the activity you feel nausea, fatigue, headaches, tachycardia or any other symptom, rest in the shade and drink fluids. If the symptoms persist, go to the nearest hospital.
  10. If it’s cold, avoid standing still, you should try to keep moving.
  11. Follow a balanced diet, including in your daily routine, various types of meat and fish, milk and its derivatives, legumes and vegetables, pasta and rice, cereals, fruits and fats and oils.


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