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How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates

When we have a back problem, we always want to try to treat it as soon as possible. One of the best ways to do it...

How Does The Muscular System Work?

We often take for granted how perfectly designed our human body is. It is enough to take a look at our hands to understand that without them...

How to Exercise After a Heart Attack

If you recently had a heart attack, it's time for you to incorporate changes into your routine so that you can live healthier while protecting your heart. You...

How Are the Cycling Regulations?

The cycling regulations of our country are often unknown to people, since many people often break them without knowing they are doing it. Cycling regulations are...

How to Have a Strong and Healthy Back

Did you know that more than 40% of the population suffers from back pain and discomfort? In fact, back pain is one of the main...

The Best Sports for Children

Physical exercise in childhood is fundamental, it improves their physical training and their self-esteem enhances their social relations and their value with the environment. It...

How to Choose a Basque Ball

Basque pilot is one of the most deeply rooted sports in the Basque Country. It has been practiced in a traditional way for many centuries in...