How to Bet On Soccer

Without a doubt, soccer is one of the sports that people follow the most and with a lot of fanaticism; events that focus on soccer move a fairly large number of people; many go to the stadiums to watch the games and many others follow them on television or the web.

There are other sports that have their followers, such as tennis, or when the Olympics come, people do seem to be interested in something other than soccer, the latter has always been considered the one that moves the most masses and the one that people are most passionate about, becoming the favorite sport for many; it can even be said that football events are quite a phenomenon.

Precisely because of the amount of masses that football moves, there are many people who bet on it, the reality is that doing this is quite subjective because it will depend on the tastes of each person, the inclinations and the interests that are have, so every bettor is different.

Betting on soccer

Betting on the matches of this sport called soccer becomes a hobby and fun for many, but it is important to know what you are doing. Well, even if there are some strategies to do it, it is still a game of chance where there may be unpredictable results and they could affect you financially, so it is important to be aware of what you are doing.

For fans, betting can be an opportunity to win money, but before doing so, they must have certain knowledge and be able to bet, leaving emotions aside.

How to bet on soccer.


You have to know what your budget is and how much you will allocate to make the respective bets; remember that it is money that you can lose, so it is not convenient for it to be high enough so that you are not going to fall into bankruptcy; but it is also true that betting on soccer with very little becomes limiting. There is a rule that says that if you are a beginner you should bet approximately one thousand dollars.

The bets

Once you have decided on your money, you must know what the value of the bet will bet, but do not go to put everything on a result that you think will be so, because it can be very risky, that is why it is better that you distribute your money in different games, Thus, the risk will be lower and there will be more opportunities to make a profit, fifty dollars can be a good option at the beginning.

The category for bets

There is a wide variety of categories to be able to bet on soccer, but if you are just starting out in this, it is good that you only choose between these 2; starts with the simplest one which consists only of saying the results that the match will have with any of the three possible results of the game , which are the following: Win this is if you bet that the local team will win, Draw if you think there will be a tie and Away Win if you bet on the away team to win.

The other method can be the one called the More or Less than 2.5 goals that will be given in the match; this consists of the following in betting that the game will produce 2 goals or a smaller amount or on the contrary that it will reach 3 or a greater amount (this at the end of the game).

The odds

The odds of the score in a match should be studied carefully; they range from 0% where it is believed that there is nothing, to 100% where it is most likely that it is a bet that becomes safe. For example, if the method by result is chosen, a percentage will be given to Win, another to Draw and another to Away Win, something similar would be done with the other method, but looking for the sum of everything to be 100. It is good that follows and let yourself be advised by experts; you can browse the internet for gambling tips.

The bookmaker

You must choose a bookmaker to proceed to bet, it is very important that it has a good reputation, that it is fast, reliable, safe and economical. There are some websites that allow you to start for free.

Once you have found the houses you can register in 2 or even 3 and look for the classifications of each one to be different, this is to be able to find more profit opportunities.

You must analyze well and study everything to then make your bet, analyze the teams, the field, and the players, among others.


You must take advantage of these; many bookmakers give them as a way of welcoming you.

Seek tips

As we already mentioned, it is good that you look for pages on the web where they give you good advice, look in forums which are the most reliable and safest pages. There are many of them that work for free, you will find infinity of resources; at first, see if the advice they have given you is consistent with all the probabilities and also with the results that the matches will yield once they are over.

Be informed

Being well informed all the time of what is going to happen in a match will help you, it will be a great power that you will have and that is why it is important that you know everything that will happen. If, for example, a small number of people, including you, know that Messy will not be in a game, you will have a great advantage, since many will give different bets; everything happens in the opposite way to the medium level bettor, they find out something that most people know, for example that x player has an injury.

The reason for betting

It is not about betting just to bet and now, do not bet very little in a huge number of markets, because it would not turn out to be strategically correct, think carefully before placing a bet; If for you it is not something that is clear, do not do it, because many more games will come, every day there will be one on which you can bet.

So the advice is that you not only say I have a feeling and I think that team x will win against team y, but that you can give yourself an explanation of why you think the result will be that way and why you could have an advantage against the house you have chosen to bet on. If you can’t find a good explanation, you should keep looking until you find the market where you can do it clearly.

Fixed Odds

This is the same as the quotes that are fixed, it is important that you study their meaning and how their function is in the market; the results or markers that occur in a match are defined precisely by this type of quotes.

Connection between probability and price.

First you must obtain the quotes that we talked about in the previous point and after you have them you must proceed to calculate their inverse form; for this, take the quotes and then multiply them by 100% so that you obtain the probabilities that will be given on the scoreboard.

Marker choice

It’s time for you to choose the marker that will obviously be the one that came up with the highest odds.


Make a comparison between the odds you have and the quotes, and then make decisions.


The rule for you to bet is the following, with the quotes do it with those that have come out above 3 and with the probabilities that the percentage gives more than 40%.

Influencing factors

There are several factors that influence the match, such as the type of match, timing and priorities.


If you have won, do not forget to claim the money that is now yours.


Do not bet money on football that you may need, allocate something that you know you may be willing to lose.

Do not go to bet if you are drunk, it is very possible that you do it without conscience just because you have already obtained some profit and it can be very harmful. If this advice seems obvious to you, we tell you that it is something that occurs frequently and for this reason we emphasize it. So, maybe you bet twice as much as you should, there is confusion, among others. Gambling with euphoria or excitement is not advisable at all.

There are some important factors that you must take into account when betting and thus have the possibility of winning some money.

  • Knowing the casualties of the team becomes very important, especially if the team’s squad is very short.
  • See if it’s a team that already has a significant number of losses on its shoulders or if it’s on a hot streak and has won most of its games.
  • You have to look at a historical level how the games have been; some just because of their history enter the court more motivated to face their rival.
  • Motivation is very important and is related to the above, a team that is already qualified goes out to play much more relaxed than one that knows that it must win to get the points it needs to go to the next phase.
  • You should look at what the payroll is going to be, since it is common for the same team not to play in the same way if it has some players or if it has others.


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