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Types of Yoga

Today, due to the pressures of the system in which we live, health problems or the desire to rediscover one, thousands of people around...

How to Do Shoulder Curls

When receiving body massages, you surely agree with me that one of the areas where tension is released the most is definitely the shoulders. In...

How to Play Golf

If I had to choose one of those famous sports that have represented an entire generation, I would choose golf, a well-known sport that consists...

4 Water Sports

Water sports are also called aquatic whose common characteristic that defines them is the vital liquid and that are practiced in rivers, seas, lakes, swimming pools...

How to Run and Jump

How to run and jump is something we all know, we all know how to run and jump, the only thing that differentiates us from...

6 Contact Sports

Contact sports are all those that need the use of the hands or legs to defend themselves and are born as a result of the struggle of the...

How Is the Pilates Reformer?

The Pilates reformer is a new way of doing Pilates that has been discovered recently and is gaining a lot of popularity in recent years. Reformer Pilates...