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How to Stretch Your Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a set of muscles located in the back of the leg between the gluteus and the knee. It is located in the lower part of the upper...

How to Do Sports If I Want To Get Pregnant

Women used to doing sports often wonder whether or not this will affect their pregnancy, whether they want to get pregnant or are pregnant. The...

How to Play Soccer Fast

The sport of soccer is followed and practiced by millions of people throughout the world - it is estimated that more than 270 million - and...

How to Train Your Back

These are some exercises to work and strengthen your back both in a gym and at home. Exercises in a gym. Number One: Deadlift It serves to give more corpulence to...

8 Sports for Kids

When it comes to sports and children are included in them, certain factors must be taken into account that foster an environment of cooperation,...

Exercises For Pregnant

Human pregnancy is a period of approximately 40 weeks that elapses from the implantation of the zygote in the uterus, until delivery where the...

Shoulder Exercises – How To Do Shoulder Exercises

The shoulder is made up of; an oval joint and a cavity that allow it to perform multiple and different movements, but that do not...