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What Is Muscle Tear

We have all wanted to enter the fitness world at some point and we start doing basic exercises at home or we join the gym closest...

How to Find the Best Sports for Kids

Sports are the best option for children if what we want is for them to do an extracurricular activity. Sports not only keep them physically active but also through...

How to Avoid Knee Injuries

The knee is a part of the body that tends to get injured very often. Professional athletes such as soccer players, basketball players or tennis players...

Exercises For Pregnant

Human pregnancy is a period of approximately 40 weeks that elapses from the implantation of the zygote in the uterus, until delivery where the...

How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...

How to Breathe While Running

When we play sports, sometimes we focus so much on using the right accessories, such as sports shoes or clothing, in our diet or...

How to Practice Spinning At Home

Spinning is becoming the favorite way of doing sports for many people. Spinning or cycling is an excellent way to exercise within a closed circuit, normally...