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Dumbbell Back Exercises

Lumbar training is essential in any type of fitness routine. The spine, and all the muscles that surround it, is essential to have a healthy and...

How to Be More Flexible

For us, being more flexible is very important, since many times we live in such a sedentary life that when we need to move and...

How to Get Ready To Go To the Gym

In the event that we have made the decision to start doing physical exercise, both to improve our physical condition, for a health issue, or...

4 Water Sports

Water sports are also called aquatic whose common characteristic that defines them is the vital liquid and that are practiced in rivers, seas, lakes, swimming pools...

Warm Up Before Running

When we are interested in exercising our body, we tend to look for multiple machines or advice that does not give us what we...

How to Start Inline Skating

Inline skating is a sport that is becoming very popular. A fashionable sport in the 90s, in-line skating consists of a more aggressive skating than normal, since...

Types of Yoga

Today, due to the pressures of the system in which we live, health problems or the desire to rediscover one, thousands of people around...