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How to Jump Rope

The jump rope game is a popular game, which has acquired different names throughout history, as we can see, in Cuba it is called the...

What Is Yoga For?

There are two types of people on this planet: those who lead a totally sedentary life, who excuse themselves by saying that what they like to...

How to Choose Between Yoga and Pilates

When starting to practice a sport, there are always some doubts about it. One of them is that we do not know how to choose between...

How to Riley to Blind in Kite surfing

If you already have some basic knowledge about Kite surfing, you could implement these steps that we expose below. One of the first tricks to be...

How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates

When we have a back problem, we always want to try to treat it as soon as possible. One of the best ways to do it...

How to Prepare For a Decathlon

The practice of any high-performance sport requires a lot of preparation and training, all with the aim of achieving good results in competitions. The decathlon,...

How to Jump High

Jumping is an impulse from a surface generating force and speed to fall on the same place or another one further away. It is a...