How To Do Push Ups

Push-ups are a type of exercise with which we improve our arms and chest. It consists of lifting the body only with the help of the arms. We have to be face down and in an inclined position to be able to do it.

Push-ups are also known as arm push-ups, chest push-ups, shoulder push-ups, abdominal push-ups, and even push-ups. The specific muscles that we exercise with the help of this physical activity are the triceps, deltoids, the serrates anterior, the abdomen and the oblique and the pectorals. In addition, it helps us define the arms and legs, lose weight and build muscle mass

Push-ups are used in many physical tests to access positions such as police and firefighter. They are also used as punishment in some fields, for example, in the army.

There are several variations of this type of exercise. Here we name some of them:

  • Wall push-ups. They consist of flexing the body supporting it on a wall. The further our feet are from it, the more effective our push-ups will be.
  • Clap push-ups. A variation that only specialists can practice. It consists of clapping the air before finishing flexing the arms to get closer to the ground. Very good for working the chest.
  • Push-ups with closed fist, which allow protecting the wrists from possible injuries since they remain in a neutral position throughout the process. They are perfect for pecks.
  • Decline pushups. They consist of placing the legs on a stable elevated surface. In this way the work is mainly focused on the upper part of the pectoral.
  • Push-ups with the arms in the shape of a diamond. They are perfect for working out your triceps, hamstrings, and upper back. They require a good physical level so they are not recommended for beginners. You have to place your hands creating a diamond with the index fingers and thumb of each of them. You must place them under the chest and descend as usual. Shoulder alignment will not be the same as simple push-ups.

Is it difficult to do push-ups?

In general, no, but it is true that it requires a good physical shape to perform them correctly. They are easier to perform by those who have good muscles in their arms and back. As women tend to have less developed these muscles, it is usually an easier exercise for men, but only initially. Performing push-ups on a regular basis shapes the body and prepares it.

One of the biggest problems when doing these push-ups is not placing the body correctly. To get effective results and know how to do it, you just need to read the following post. Let’s get started

What do you need to do push-ups?

To do push-ups we will need

  •  Sufficient floor space
  • A Pilates mat or a good mat to exercise on
  •  comfortable sportswear
  •  sports shoes
  •  Patience, especially in the first weeks. Do not throw in the towel even if it costs you, I assure you that the results are spectacular.

Instructions for doing push-ups

Step by step to do simple push-ups

  1. Position your limbs correctly. Lie face down on the floor and on your knees. Next, extend your arms and place your palms flat on the ground. The opening of your arms should be equal to the width of your shoulders. Once you have your arms perfectly aligned, extend your legs and support them on the ground only with the tip of your feet. Both feet should be kept together and the head should be facing forward.
  2. Keep your body straight. The hip should be in line with the back. It can be neither higher nor much lower. It should go down perfectly straight to the legs. Hip and back positioning is one of the most common mistakes beginners make. Be careful with this, as maintaining an incorrect alignment will worsen the exercise and the benefits it could have on your body.
  3. Align your neck with the rest of your back. Do not let it down, nor force it up. Think about the shape of the spine and try to make the neck follow it naturally, does not force it to maintain a position that is not correct. The gaze must be forward and the neck perfectly aligned. If you don’t do it right, you will suffer from pain in this area for several days. You could even get injured.
  4. Time to start flexing. Do it from the elbow. Try to bend both elbows in unison and maintain a straight position in relation to your neck and shoulders, as if following an invisible line. You must lower them as much as your strength allows. The closer you get to the ground, the deeper the push-ups and the greater the benefits of this exercise. The displacement of your elbows will also mean that your torso is getting closer to the ground.
  5. Don’t forget the breaths. Inhale when you are flexing and exhale when you go up.

Tips for doing push-ups


  • When you practice push-ups, avoid rounding the lower back as you go down and up. The only thing you will achieve is to recharge the muscles in this area. Be careful, because you could get injured.
  • Don’t forget to keep your eyes straight ahead and your neck aligned with the rest of your spine.
  • Avoid sudden movements when you stretch your arms to come back up. You could end up causing an elbow injury from this action.
  • It is an ideal exercise to keep you in shape throughout the year, especially on vacation if you are not near the gym

Training plan to exercise our pecks

As we know that the easiest way to learn in this life is by practicing, we propose a very easy push-up table for you to start exercising starting from a basic level. You can do it at home during your free time while watching TV before going to bed, or just when you wake up to go to work. If you do these exercises regularly you will be able to tone your body, be fitter and achieve spectacular results.

Perform 4 sets of each exercise with a maximum of 12 repetitions. Increasing repetitions would not serve our purposes, which is to strengthen the pecks, but to improve endurance. The problem is that if you do a higher number you can end up damaging the muscles. A maximum of 12 repetitions is always recommended for muscular work. The number of sets varies depending on the exercise you do. In this case it will be 12 for each exercise.

Remember not to do push-ups if you’ve done strength training before. It would be useless and you could injure yourself.

  • Exercise 1: simple push-ups. They are those that we have explained in the step by step. Remember: stretched body, straight back and neck, look straight ahead, legs together, feet resting on the tips of the fingers and arms open to shoulder width. We have to perform 4 series. At the end of them, we rest for about a minute and continue with exercise 2.
  • Exercise 2: knee bends. One more variety of simple bending. They are also known as light push-ups. They are ideal for people who are not used to this type of exercise and do not have much strength in their arms. The body must maintain the same position as in simple push-ups. The only difference is that we will stand on our knees instead of on the balls of our feet. Again we will do 4 sets of 12 repetitions and rest for a minute before starting the next exercise.
  • Exercise 3: simple push-ups. We will repeat the same ones that we had done during exercise 1. Be careful, because as we will begin to feel a little more tired. We may neglect our posture. Don’t forget to stand up straight and well aligned so that your back and muscles don’t suffer.
  • Exercise 4: We can repeat the knee bends if we are still not very proficient in the matter. However, it is recommended to replace this type of push-up with the variation in which we do push-ups with one hand. Place the hand you are not going to use behind your back with a closed fist. Do not twist your body when doing this type of work. It is recommended to do 2 sets with the right arm and 2 sets with the left arm. You can start with the one you prefer.

Ideally, to obtain the best results, repeat this table of exercises at least 3 times a week. You will love the results and feel more comfortable with yourself.

If you want to define your muscles

Start using a higher protein diet. Increase your intake of canned tuna, chicken and rice to burn all the fat and leave the muscles as defined as possible.

Be careful, if you start with this dynamic, first talk to a nutritionist who will advise you correctly on how to carry out this type of diet. They are the typical ones that are used to define the muscles in gyms, but only a specialist should assess if it is correct for you or if it can cause a health problem in the long run.


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