How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...

Back Exercises At Home

Performing back exercises is of vital importance to provide the spine with adequate protection and to achieve efficient prevention of injuries and poor posture in...

How to Exercise Without Weights

As I've said a few times, weight training is one of the best exercises out there., however, not everyone can exercise with weights, being exercise...

8 Resistance Exercises

Physical resistance: It is one of the basic physical qualities, it can be described as the willingness of the human body to carry out an activity,...

Exercises to Grow: The 7 Best Exercises

Have you ever heard of exercises to grow? How effective do you think the seven best exercises to grow are? Many tell us that human beings stop...

Elasticity Exercises – How To Do Elasticity Exercises

Many times we wake up very tired, despite having slept through the night. Has this ever happened to you? Well, so that this does not happen...

How to Fulfill the Purpose of Exercising More

Whenever we see ourselves a little overweight, we try to go on a diet and accompany it with exercises or increase the amount of...

How to Avoid Vomiting When Exercising

We know that throwing up during exercise is very unpleasant, but we also know that we like to push ourselves to the limit and sometimes...

Inner Abs Exercises

Our day to day life full of haste, stress, races and stress leads us to neglect something as basic as physical exercise. Among the different...

Dumbbell Back Exercises

Lumbar training is essential in any type of fitness routine. The spine, and all the muscles that surround it, is essential to have a healthy and...

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How to Riley to Blind in Kite surfing

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How to Encourage Physical Activity in Childhood and Adolescence

Children and youth benefit physically and mentally from participating in physical activity on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many of them don't because the parents don't care or...

How to Train Your Legs – Tables, Tips and Tricks

Sometimes how to train the legs is one of the most recurring questions when we start our workouts, since it is a fundamental part...

How to Prepare For a Decathlon

The practice of any high-performance sport requires a lot of preparation and training, all with the aim of achieving good results in competitions. The decathlon,...

Power Yoga – Everything You Need To Know

Power Yoga, known as the yoga of power, is nothing more than a variety of yoga as such, which is characterized by understanding a high-impact practice at...

Tips for Running without Getting Tired

One of the things that those of us who like to go running would like the most   is to be able to run without...

How to Run On an Empty Stomach

Running on an empty stomach is a good idea whenever you're looking to lose some weight. If this is not your interest, running on an...