Balance Exercises – How To Do Balance Exercises

On a daily basis, for an elderly person, balance can become a double-edged sword, since one is fine at one moment and suddenly, they can feel vertigo or dizziness, stumble, collide between many things and lose it, so it is of great importance. It helps to always perform balance exercises and avoid serious incidents.

In addition, when the person falls, they can suffer injuries that in many cases can become something more serious and be fatal in the end, since a fall can cause fractures in the arms, hands, ankles or even the hip.

For this reason and to avoid all this, as well as to prevent disability after an accident, a daily dose of balance exercises before, during or after doing the usual training can help make the change in each muscle of the body.

They can be done as and when you want, since they are similar to those used in any routine, interspersing comprehensive strengthening exercises daily throughout the week for greater benefit from the training to which the body is adapted and thus strengthen it from all angles.

What do you need for Balance Exercises – Do Balance Exercises?

  • Upward leg lifts with knees to chest.
  •  Raise your legs to the sides for a few seconds.
  •  Bend your knees with your arms extended.
  • Stand with your heels supporting your body weight.
  • Stand on your toes with your toes supporting your body weight.
  • Walk forward and backward in sequence.
  • Walk with the tips of your toes pointing forward.
  • Walk with your heels back.
  • Walk quickly with one foot in front of the other touching lightly.
  • While standing, grab one of them from behind and support your body weight for a few seconds. Alternate.
  • Take care of your breathing with each exercise.
  • Always keep your back straight and look straight ahead.
  • Consult a specialist in case of any eventuality during the exercises.
  • Perform them daily for best performance.

Instructions for Balance Exercises – Do Balance Exercises

Balance is a fundamental part when walking, running, going to one side or the other, and you must maintain it so as not to fall, achieving the stability that all the weight of your body needs to avoid any accident that could impair the proper functioning of your limbs.
Of course, young people and adults have a good base to maintain their stability, but babies and more than all older adults are the ones who tend to fall if they do not have a support or some support to help them perform their tasks normally.

That is why the elderly must perform balance exercises to guarantee being able to walk without any kind of problems or stumbles that could seriously harm any part of their body and require a visit to the emergency room and subsequent confinement in a bed.


  1. Stand on one foot holding the position for 15 seconds, being able to hold on to a chair or other support for more stability of the exercise and alternate both feet, doing a sequence of 15 or 20 of each foot and thus feel the pressure of the muscle.
  2. Walking heel to back keeping your back straight and looking straight ahead, as long as you don’t have anything that could hinder you, it should be done slowly and alternating both feet to do it well without stooping and pressing your calf muscles.
  3. Walk on tiptoe forward with your eyes forward and your arms extended to your sides, always slowly and keeping your eyes up and your back straight without bending or stooping for greater leg resistance.
  4. Each of these exercises can cause pain in the calves and arms, but this is the sign that tells us that the muscles are working perfectly, which leads to improving balance.
  5. Walk in a straight line forward, alternating one foot and the other, always trying to brush the toe of one with the heel of the other, keeping your back straight and without bowing your head, trying to do it perfectly.
  6. Walk forward, extending your legs as much as possible with your arms open at your sides, alternating each foot for a better result on both sides, always with your back straight and looking straight ahead.
  7. On your knees, place your hands in front of the body and keep your eyes fixed on the front, also lift one foot and one hand on the same side, leaving the weight of the body only with one knee and the other hand, alternate to work both sides of the body.
  8. The previous exercise must be done effectively as long as the body weight is supported for 10 to 15 seconds on each side so that both sides can be worked on and thus achieve an efficient balance.
  9. Standing again, raise one foot and the opposite arm to the side and support your body weight for 10 to 15 seconds with your eyes forward and your back straight, repeating the exercise with the other foot and alternating it to do a series of 8.
  10. While squatting, lift one foot and leave all the weight of the body with the other foot, trying to stay in the position for 5 or 10 seconds, repeating the exercise with the other foot and always alternating it to work both parts of the body equally.
  11. Jump by placing the middle of your body to one side and land in a straight and front position doing it alternately from one side to the other several times on each side so that you can strengthen the abdominal and leg muscles at the same time.
  12. If you want you can use a large exercise ball and sit on it lifting one leg as high as you can and arms out to the sides holding the position for 10 to 15 seconds and repeating with the other foot to work both parts of the body.
  13. Any routine that includes a series of these exercises can increase the performance of people when walking, exercising, playing any sport and other activities that require the use of their body to the maximum.
  14. It is necessary to include exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms in order to improve balance when performing any activity other than daily tasks, such as extreme sports as well as games and walks with the children.
  15. Each exercise that is performed must have a point of attention to strengthen that area, mainly among which the lumbar part of the back, the hips, the legs and the ankles can be named, trying to warm up before each exercise.

Tips for Balance Exercises – Do Balance Exercises

  • If by chance you feel that you are not stable with each of these exercises, you can use accessories that are close to you, be it a table, chair, a wall or a bar that will help you maintain your balance until you manage to do it alone and without supports.
  • After a while of exercising, and you feel more progress, you can try to look from one side to the other as long as you keep your back straight and feel that the muscles are being worked efficiently and positively.
  • Muscle training becomes an important part of athletes and bodybuilders, which means that each of us must perform these types of balance exercises to keep our bodies as strong as theirs.
  • The exercises that strengthen the ankles and legs can be used as balance exercises as long as they do not force much while exercising, remember that they are the ones who maintain the entire weight of the body.
  • If you are new to this type of exercise routine that helps you with your balance, you should consider using a support that helps you support the weight of your entire body, since they are a bit rough and can be a bit painful..
  • If you feel dizzy or vertigo at the precise moment of performing the balance exercises, you should consult a specialist who will diagnose any other ailment or disease and you should treat it differently.
  • If you train daily, it is good to include any of these exercises that can help stabilize any movement of the body and especially of the limbs, even helping with spinal ailments or deviations in the posture of any part of the body.
  • You do not necessarily have to maintain an exercise routine to keep your body in shape; you will achieve better results if you include different routines for as long as you want or a different one per day to achieve the goals you want with the training.


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