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How Should Cyclists Ride?

Cyclists are people who use the bicycle as a means of transportation, something they do sometimes correctly but other times incorrectly. Cycling is a very beautiful...

How to Do Yoga At Home

When we say yoga we are referring to a discipline in which we resort to movement and concentration techniques that unite our mind with...

How to Exercise With the Elliptical

The elliptical is one of the most complete machines that you can find in gyms, in training rooms or, if you have space in your home,...

How to Eat For Running

If you practice running, you must feed yourself correctly in order to have enough energy to last the entire race, whether you compete or...

How to Practice Yoga

Surely you have heard of yoga on occasion and you know that more and more people are practicing it, but yoga is not only...

Balance Exercises – How To Do Balance Exercises

On a daily basis, for an elderly person, balance can become a double-edged sword, since one is fine at one moment and suddenly, they...

How to Jump High

Jumping is an impulse from a surface generating force and speed to fall on the same place or another one further away. It is a...