What Are Low Impact Exercises

Low-impact exercises are those exercises that don’t require too much force to perform. They are ideal when we are starting to exercise or we return to physical activity after an injury.

Normally they imply that one of the feet will always be in contact with the ground, so that our body will have a point of support.

In addition, since they do not involve great strength, they are usually chosen by people who want to exercise but are not passionate about them.

On the other hand, it is believed that with these exercises you do not lose weight, but the opposite happens, performing the correct exercise tables, low impact exercises can also help reduce weight.

Now let’s see what low-impact exercises we can do:


Let’s start with swimming. Swimming is one of the low-impact sports, since suspension in the water reduces the perception of our body weight, and when putting it into practice, no part of our body exerts a great force. Swimming is a very complete sport, since it works practically all the muscles of the body as well as resistance or speed of movement. Keep in mind that although the water helps you, it is necessary to perform the exercises and movements correctly, since you can also suffer an injury, such as in the neck. This article may be useful to you: How to Learn to Swim

To walk

This low-impact exercise that is especially practiced by people with an upper-middle age is walking. Walking does not require much effort, but it does work our body and develops cardiopulmonary capacity, as well as physical resistance, not to mention what helps us to disconnect the mind and relax.
A form of walking that has become very fashionable is “Nordic walking” which consists of walking with the help of poles. This modality is ideal for walking on elevated areas or where the ground is uneven, but for normal walking on flat ground it is not recommended when you are in good health and physical condition.


Skiing is also a well-known low-impact sport, but this exercise also has its negative side, since it can only be done during one time of the year, it requires certain environmental conditions, as well as specific equipment, and prior learning, not to mention talk about it being an expensive sport that it is not within everyone’s reach. But, if you can afford it and you are in good physical condition, go ahead is an ideal sport to practice that also does not require much effort.


Rowing is not a very widespread sport, but it is also low-impact, especially because there is parts of the body that work more than others, especially the arms. Despite being considered low-impact, this sport does require good physical condition, since it is necessary to lift the boat by weight, as well as the exercise of guiding the boat through the water only with oars. A good alternative, especially to start, is to use a rowing machine that you can find in the gym. This is an excellent exercise, especially if you want to work your arms.


Elliptical. Elliptical machines are also perfect for low-impact exercise. It does not damage the joints and works several parts of the body at the same time, as well as speed and physical resistance. In addition, since both feet are supported while the exercise is performed, areas such as the hips, knees, or back relax and reduce stress. It may interest you: How to Exercise with the Elliptical


Cycling or riding a bike is also a low-impact exercise. Many people start pedaling with a lot of vigor, but since they are not in good physical condition they immediately get tired and stop or stop, so it is best to start pedaling slowly, get your body used to the movement and gain strength and resistance before increasing the pace. Keep in mind that you must position the handlebar and the saddle correctly according to your height so that you feel comfortable and avoid hurting yourself. You can ride a normal bike (road, mountain, etc.) or use a stationary bike. Before you start, visit this article: How is the Cycling Regulation

These low-impact exercises are recommended to start exercising, and in sessions of 20 or 30 minutes at least twice a week. Once we get into the rhythm, we can increase the intensity to sessions of between 45 and 60 minutes, and then increase the number of times per week that we do this exercise. In addition, you can also do combinations of the previous exercises, for example by doing a session of each sport in one day, or one day doing one exercise, and the other day of the week that you have to do sports, and doing the other type of exercise.

These have been just some of the low-impact exercises that we can put into practice, of course keep in mind there are many more that you could try if you are interested, but these previous ones are the most common.


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