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How to Do Push-Ups

Nowadays, exercising is practically a fad. Beyond health, exercise has become a way to cultivate and beautify the body. There are many forms and types of...

How to Stretch

Surely you are an athletic person and therefore, you are a person who needs to stretch and know how to stretch well. A stretch is a...

How to Be Workshop

Although it is true that variety is the spice, many people are not satisfied with some aspects of their physical composition. If they are skinny, they...

Exercises For Pregnant

Human pregnancy is a period of approximately 40 weeks that elapses from the implantation of the zygote in the uterus, until delivery where the...

How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...

The Best Sports for the summer

Are your summer vacations approaching and you don't find what to do in your free time? This is the right time for recreation, to get away from...

How to Get Back Into Training after Giving Birth

For many women, pregnancy means stopping sports activities or at least having to slow down their training, this is normal because priority is given...