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What to Choose a Wetsuit or a Dry Suit

Among the inconveniences that those who practice a water sport find, is the cold that can be encountered in certain seasons of the year,...

How to Run Faster and Get Less Tired

Running faster without getting tired is not impossible if we take care of some aspects such as how to eat, hydrate and breathe, as well...

The Best Shoulder Exercises

Performing shoulder exercises involves working the deltoid muscles, which are divided into three sections: the front, the middle and the back. Most of the exercises...

The Best Contact Sports You Can Practice

Do you know what contact sports are? Well, contact sports are those that are practiced by carrying out a physical confrontation between its participants. This is precisely the...

What Is Muscular Dystrophy

When we talk about muscular dystrophy, we are not talking about a single disease but rather about several that are grouped under this name, which...

Chest Exercises – How To Do Chest Exercises

O get hard, toned pectorals, you need to give them volume and work on them, with different exercises that focus on both the upper,...

How to Start an Exercise Routine

Starting to exercise is not easy if you are not used to it. Putting together a routine requires some conditions so that you can do...