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8Summer Sports

Enjoying the summer days doesn't just mean going on vacation, you can also take advantage of the days to keep your mind calm and...

Exercises for a Flat Stomach

Achieving a flat stomach is one of the most coveted goals among people seeking maximum aesthetics and physical and mental health. We call a flat stomach a...

Knapp Exercises – How To Do Knapp Exercises

The back and the entire spine, as well as all possible ailments such as cervical osteoarthritis, is one of the most sensitive parts of our entire...

Bigram Yoga – Everything You Need To Know

One of the most famous and well-known "yoga’s" that became very popular in its day for being performed by celebrities and for drawing attention...

High Intensity Exercises – How To Do High Intensity Exercises

We live in a society dominated by stress and haste. We want to train but we don't have time, hardly even to eat. Last minute meetings,...

How to Jump Rope

The jump rope game is a popular game, which has acquired different names throughout history, as we can see, in Cuba it is called the...

How to Breathe In Yoga

In life there are many things that help us live better and maintain our health to the fullest, but to achieve this we must...