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How to Skydive

Who more or who less has the illusion or the dream of being able to fly, something that has happened over the years. The dream...

How to Improve Reflexes

What we call reflexes is a physical quality that has to do with a mixture of the ability to react, speed and quick response action in...

How to Learn Fencing

One of the noblest and most famous sports in the world is fencing; a sport that consists of a kind of sword duels, in which only...

How Do I Put The Saddle On My Bike?

Cycling or riding a bike is a sport that is gaining more and more followers, and it is not surprising, since it is a low-impact sport, that...

How to Choose a Basque Ball

Basque pilot is one of the most deeply rooted sports in the Basque Country. It has been practiced in a traditional way for many centuries in...

How to Train Cycling – Tables, Tips And Tricks

Before starting cycling or wanting to understand how to train cycling, you have to keep in mind that this discipline, like any other sports discipline,...

How to Protect Yourself from the Sun When Doing Sports

Today it is very common to do sports outdoors at any time of the year. The problem is that with this type of sport we spend many...