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How to Strengthen Your Knees

The knees are one of the most used parts of the human body, as well as one of the most delicate parts of it. We...

How to Do Water Start in Kite surfing

If you have at least some knowledge of kite flying and some knowledge of selling the wind in kite surfing, you can be sure that...

Kundalini Yoga – Everything You Need To Know

Among all the modalities and different versions of yoga, there is one that stands out above the others, for being one of the most...

How Roles Are Divided In Basketball

In this article we are going to explain to you how the roles are distributed in basketball, a very complete sport, both from a technical...

Sit-Ups in 8 Minutes

The abdominals are a part of the body that, if they are well defined and cared for, greatly stylizes the figure. And it is that if you...

How to Tone Legs without Going to the Gym

Within the physical aspect, a very widespread aspiration is to have toned, strong and resistant legs, as the most interesting point for men, and also...

How to Eat To Run a Half Marathon

Running a half marathon is no joke, it requires a physical and mental state prepared for it, and nutrition is also an essential part...