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How to Understand Off Side

Football has a game regulation made up of seventeen rules, which FIFA, the International Federation of Football Association, the international organization that directs its operation at...

How to Be More Flexible

For us, being more flexible is very important, since many times we live in such a sedentary life that when we need to move and...

How to Train Half Marathon

The season of various races began a while ago, but we still have time to take one last sprint and reach our goals in running. For...

The Best Sports for the summer

Are your summer vacations approaching and you don't find what to do in your free time? This is the right time for recreation, to get away from...

How to Eat For Running

If you practice running, you must feed yourself correctly in order to have enough energy to last the entire race, whether you compete or...

Swimming – Benefits and Drawbacks

Swimming is one of the most demanded sports today due to its versatility and the large number of options it brings together. In addition, it is done...

10 Extreme Sports

A risky sport is one that involves an action where there is danger or for some reason you can lose your life, but even so, most...