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How to Learn To Swim Adults

Learning to swim is something we all want to do. Most of us when we were little attended a swimming lesson and learned as...

How to Do Squats

Doing squats helps in many aspects, when we are doing squats we are stimulating the blood supply throughout the body, which helps to oxygenate the...

How to Get Back Into Training after Giving Birth

For many women, pregnancy means stopping sports activities or at least having to slow down their training, this is normal because priority is given...

5 Techniques to Run Better

Running is a natural activity of the human being that has followed us since the beginning of our existence, even throughout our evolution. Most of...

10 Beneficial Sports

Practicing different sports are good for your health, which is why they are recommended for people, especially those who want to be in good shape...

Resistance Exercises – How To Do Resistance Exercises

Today we are going to talk about resistance exercises. They are called this way because, precisely, their objective is to be able to gradually increase the...

How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...