How to Do Postural Exercises

Postural exercises consist of performing a series of muscle stretches to relax the body and relieve pain caused by muscle tension, usually as a result of holding postures for a long time and that end up causing us pain.

These exercises are chosen according to the area you need to relieve, but you will also achieve general well -being and relax completely thanks to the practice of these exercises.

For example, people who work in the office spend a lot of time sitting down, so it will be necessary to do exercises for the back and the upper part of the body. On the other hand, people who spend the day working on their feet will need to perform exercises in the lower extremities.

On the other hand, these postural exercises are also called that because they help you improve your own body posture. For example, they will help you keep your back straight and your shoulders back while you stand. But for this you must work the precise muscles to achieve the proper posture.

Here we show you how to do postural exercises correctly, and which part you will be able to work with them.

Postural exercises table

To fully stretch the body, you just have to stand up, interlock your hands and raise your arms until they are completely vertical. Then stretch back as far as you can without hurting yourself.

If you want to stretch mainly the back of the body, such as the back and legs, stand up, keep your legs well stretched, and bend your trunk forward trying to touch the ground with your hands. The more flexibility you have, the easier it will be to hit the ground, but start small and don’t get frustrated.

To continue stretching your back, as well as your legs, and also stretch your buttocks and arms, you should touch the ground with your hands, bending your waist. The legs and arms should be stretched out and the soles of the feet fully touching the ground. If you do the exercise correctly, your body will form an inverted V. Also do not forget to keep your neck erect, without bending your head.

For the following exercise you need to sit with your legs bent, but always completely touching the ground with the soles of your feet. Extend your arms forward above your knees and bring your body forward. Once in the initial position, you should raise your arms straight until they are almost completely vertical, while keeping your trunk still. Then bring your arms back to the starting position.

Another exercise is to stand upright, with very little separation between the feet. To perform the exercise, bring your arms forward and up until you are completely vertical while you lift your heels off the ground. Keep your arms fully extended while

With the following exercise we are going to stretch the torso and arms. Stand up, with your back very straight. Bend your arms so that you touch your shoulders with your hands on the same side. The arms should be in front of the chest and the elbows down. The stretch consists of moving the arms to their corresponding side, taking them as far back as possible while keeping them flexed. The elbows should be close to the body. Then return to the starting position. While you do the exercise you will notice how your head pulls back a little, let it go.
With the following postural exercise we are going to exercise the dorsal, lumbar and abdominal muscles. To do it, lie face down, rest your hands on the ground, and meanwhile, bring your torso back while stretching your arms.

The starting position of the next exercise will consist of kneeling on the ground, but keeping in mind that you should not stretch your foot, but rather it should be bent and in this case, supporting the toes. The trunk of the body should be slightly inclined forward; you will notice that the back will form a slight curve. Place your crossed hands behind your head, placing them just above the nape of your neck, while your elbows are facing forward. To perform the stretch you must open your arms keeping your hands on your head and take them back while at the same time you raise your trunk straightening it. After holding the position, return to the starting position.

All these previous postural exercises must be performed while maintaining the stretches for about 15 seconds, without rocking; only maintaining the posture. Normally a stretching table is made with several exercises, but you can also repeat some, doing two or three series.

These are some simple postural exercises that you can practice even at home and that will provide you with relaxation and allow you to improve your mood and health.


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