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How to Train Your Back

These are some exercises to work and strengthen your back both in a gym and at home. Exercises in a gym. Number One: Deadlift It serves to give more corpulence to...

How to Run and Get Little Tired

You want to lead a healthy life and for this reason you have seriously considered eating in a healthier way, with less fat, less sugar and...

Best Team Sports

Teamwork is one of the main values ​​that companies evaluate when deciding whether to hire a person. The departments of the companies are totally interconnected and...

The Best Sports for Pregnant Women

Throughout pregnancy, despite the fact that many believe that constant rest is the best thing to do, playing sports once the first few months...

What Is Muscle Tear

We have all wanted to enter the fitness world at some point and we start doing basic exercises at home or we join the gym closest...

How to Build Muscles

Building muscle can be one of the most interesting things to do, as a muscular body is always a prettier body, as long as we don't...

The Best Sports for Children

Physical exercise in childhood is fundamental, it improves their physical training and their self-esteem enhances their social relations and their value with the environment. It...