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How to Play Basque Ball

Have you ever heard of the Basque ball? Basque pilot is one of the most traditional sports in the Basque Country. Today he has thousands of...

Soccer Rule 17 – Everything You Need To Know

Soccer, like in all sports, you have to follow some rules or rules for the game to go well. Depending on each sport, the rules...

How to Learn To Ride a Bike

The bicycle, one of the most popular vehicles, practiced for many years, cheap and also good for health. Sports that can be practiced by children, grandparents,...

How to Do a Definition Diet

A definition diet is a diet that consists of adopting eating habits to promote the greatest possible loss of fat and water while losing the least...

My Protein: My Protein Store and Its Products

If you like the world of sports, of food supplements and what you are looking for is to have a cultivated body, you probably...

8 Resistance Exercises

Physical resistance: It is one of the basic physical qualities, it can be described as the willingness of the human body to carry out an activity,...

How to Make a Homemade Punching Bag

If you like fighting sports, chances are you love boxing. The problem with practicing it is that you have to go to a gym and...