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The Best Sports for Children

Physical exercise in childhood is fundamental, it improves their physical training and their self-esteem enhances their social relations and their value with the environment. It...

12 Tennis Players Who Have Made History

We want to highlight 12 tennis players who have made history, without ordering them by their achievements or times of greatest success, simply because they...

How to Choose a Soccer Ball

Soccer is a very popular sports practice in our society. In fact, in every playground or park in our towns you can see many children running...

How to Increase Muscle Definition

We define muscle definition as the low percentage of fat in the muscles. I mean, if a person has a lot of muscular definition, he will...

How to Train Abs – Tables, Tips and Tricks

One of the areas with which we are most obsessed in terms of its appearance and health is the abdominal area. And it is that...

How to Do Oblique Crunches

The abdominals are part of the exercise and its purpose is to tone the parts of our trunk, achieving muscles that are defined, without...

What Are the Benefits of Swimming?

The benefits of swimming have been medically proven for a long time. When practicing this exercise, the extremities of the body are put into play and at the same time...