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What Is Muscle Tone

Surely on more than one occasion you have heard about muscle tone, but it may be that you do not really know what muscle tone...

How to Ski Touring

Cross -country skiing, as its name says, tries to hike or go cross-country to a mountain, not only in the summer when there is still snow,...

Exercises for Flabby Arms

Flabby arms are a symptom of several things in our body, including lack of strength, lack of training, and excess body fat in the arm area. When...

How to Run To Lose Weight

Every day there are many people who decide to start running to lose weight. Running is a perfect exercise to achieve these ends since, as...

Epicondylitis or Tennis Elbow: Treatment and Prevention

One of the most common and painful ailments at the same time is the so-called epicondylitis, better known as tennis elbow, an ailment that will...

Resistance Exercises – How To Do Resistance Exercises

Today we are going to talk about resistance exercises. They are called this way because, precisely, their objective is to be able to gradually increase the...

5 Very Effective Abdominal Exercises

When we decide to exercise, one of the parts that we most want to work on is the abdominals. That is why we are looking...