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The Different Styles of Yoga

One of the most rewarding and relaxing sports in the world is Yoga. Yoga is an activity that serves to revitalize both the body and to...

How to Play Basque Ball

Have you ever heard of the Basque ball? Basque pilot is one of the most traditional sports in the Basque Country. Today he has thousands of...

5 Techniques to Run Better

Running is a natural activity of the human being that has followed us since the beginning of our existence, even throughout our evolution. Most of...

10 Extreme Sports

A risky sport is one that involves an action where there is danger or for some reason you can lose your life, but even so, most...

How to Avoid Cramps

Many times when we do any type of physical exercise, it is almost inevitable that certain discomforts such as cramps appear , which can spoil a...

How to Ski Touring

Cross -country skiing, as its name says, tries to hike or go cross-country to a mountain, not only in the summer when there is still snow,...

Strength Exercises – How To Do Strength Exercises

Sometimes, people do not have the necessary time or the economy to be able to go to a gym or classes that are taught...