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How to Avoid Cramps

Many times when we do any type of physical exercise, it is almost inevitable that certain discomforts such as cramps appear , which can spoil a...

How to Breathe In Pilates

Pilates is a very complete exercise that helps you regain flexibility in your body and keep all your muscles toned. Contrary to the popular belief...

How to Play Baseball

Baseball is a tremendously popular sport in the United States, and in a few countries in Latin America and Europe, but outside of there...

How to Make a Breakfast for Athletes

Making a breakfast for athletes is an activity that is increasingly carried out by all people who want to practice a type of sport. They say that...

How Does Age Affect Sport?

"The limits only exist in your mind", "If you want something, you must work to achieve it" "Age is not an impediment at all". These...

Exercises for Flabby Arms

Flabby arms are a symptom of several things in our body, including lack of strength, lack of training, and excess body fat in the arm area. When...

How to Run With a Dog

As we already indicated in the previous article, running is an activity that generates many benefits for our body, but if we additionally run...