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8Summer Sports

Enjoying the summer days doesn't just mean going on vacation, you can also take advantage of the days to keep your mind calm and...

How to Train TRX: Military Training

TRX is the fashionable sport. It was created by the US Army to maintain excellent physical condition without too many materials and without too much space. Today it is...

How Does The Muscular System Work?

We often take for granted how perfectly designed our human body is. It is enough to take a look at our hands to understand that without them...

How to Run and Get Little Tired

You want to lead a healthy life and for this reason you have seriously considered eating in a healthier way, with less fat, less sugar and...

How to Warm Up Before Doing Pilates

As any sports expert will tell you, warming up is one of the most important parts of your training. Through warming up you prepare your...

Shoulder Exercises: The 7 Best Exercises

Do you have very small shoulders or no matter how much you exercise you can't increase their volume? Perhaps what you need is to learn what...

How to Lift More Weight in the Gym

When we start weight training, we are radiant and highly motivated. Every week we put more weight in the exercises we do and also, we get a...