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Beats Per Minute: What Do They Tell Us?

The pulsations are those that you can measure through the wrist with the index and middle fingers, on the left side and at the base of...

Body Mass Index (BMI): Everything You Need To Know

You look in the mirror and you're seeing some love handles that shouldn't be there or that weren't visible before, so you start to...

The Best Sports to Do As a Couple

Sport is a mandatory activity, because it brings well-being to physical and emotional health; however, one of the reasons why it is abandoned is for doing...

How to Teach Children to Swim

Swimming is one of the funniest sports that you can teach the little ones in the house to practice. In addition, as it is a...

How Yoga Helps My Body and Mind

Yoga is a sports activity that is becoming a little more popular every day. This is because it is an activity that allows you to keep...

How to Choose Volleyball

One of the most played sports in schools is volleyball, a sport that consists of a team sport where you have to put the ball in...

Strength Exercises – How To Do Strength Exercises

Sometimes, people do not have the necessary time or the economy to be able to go to a gym or classes that are taught...