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Stretching Exercises for a Flexible and Healthy Body

When doing physical exercise, of any kind, it is always very important to do stretching exercises. Do not forget to do them both before and after the...

8Summer Sports

Enjoying the summer days doesn't just mean going on vacation, you can also take advantage of the days to keep your mind calm and...

Pilates Exercises – How To Do Pilates Exercises

Pilates is a type of exercise created and designed with the aim of balancing, strengthening and stretching the entire body. Its goal is to achieve...

How to Play Football Alone

Football is a universal sport and the favorite of the Spanish. Who, mostly children, has not played as a child in the schoolyard, at the...

Back Exercises – How To Do Back Exercises

The back is one of the widest and largest parts of the body, it is made up of numerous muscles, which make it strong and...

How to Encourage Physical Activity in Childhood and Adolescence

Children and youth benefit physically and mentally from participating in physical activity on a regular basis. Unfortunately, many of them don't because the parents don't care or...

Knapp Exercises – How To Do Knapp Exercises

The back and the entire spine, as well as all possible ailments such as cervical osteoarthritis, is one of the most sensitive parts of our entire...