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What Is Muscular Dystrophy

When we talk about muscular dystrophy, we are not talking about a single disease but rather about several that are grouped under this name, which...

Soccer Rule 17 – Everything You Need To Know

Soccer, like in all sports, you have to follow some rules or rules for the game to go well. Depending on each sport, the rules...

How to Have a Flat Stomach

When you are fighting against losing body weight, the main factors involved are: establishing a series of physical exercises and a balanced diet made...

The Best Sports for winter

Sports are beneficial at any time of the year and at any age; they improve our quality of life and help us prevent diseases. There...

Swimming – Benefits and Drawbacks

Swimming is one of the most demanded sports today due to its versatility and the large number of options it brings together. In addition, it is done...

10 Team Sports

Team sports are those that require the participation of several players on a field of play, stimulated by the presence of a coach where the sense of participation...

How to Do Cardio Exercises

A good physical and mental state will depend largely on physical exercise and a balanced diet. When we want to lose body weight to...