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How to Swim Well

Swimming is one of the most complete physical activities for our health and that can be practiced throughout the year thanks to the indoor pools...

How to Learn Fencing

One of the noblest and most famous sports in the world is fencing; a sport that consists of a kind of sword duels, in which only...

How to Run On an Empty Stomach

Running on an empty stomach is a good idea whenever you're looking to lose some weight. If this is not your interest, running on an...

How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...

How to Play Basque Ball

Have you ever heard of the Basque ball? Basque pilot is one of the most traditional sports in the Basque Country. Today he has thousands of...

How to Fuel For a Marathon

Knowing how to eat is extremely important for those who run a marathon or do any other physical activities, since much of the performance...

Abdomen Exercises – How To Do Abdomen Exercises

The abdomen is one of the most worked parts by both men and women, in gyms, although it is not necessary to attend one to...