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Back Exercises – How To Do Back Exercises

The back is one of the widest and largest parts of the body, it is made up of numerous muscles, which make it strong and...

How to Measure Beats Per Minute

The heart rate, pulse or pulsations are the number of beats that the heart normally makes per minute, being what gives life to this organ so...

Whey Protein: Risks, Uses and How to Take Whey Protein

Whey proteins or Whey protein are one of the most complete foods for bodybuilders and for everyone who practices weightlifting. There are many reasons why they are. First...

Sit-Ups in 8 Minutes

The abdominals are a part of the body that, if they are well defined and cared for, greatly stylizes the figure. And it is that if you...

20 Perfect Songs for Exercise

Choosing good songs to exercise is essential if we want to maximize our performance when it comes to weight training, contact sports or even going for...

How to Get Ready To Go To the Gym

In the event that we have made the decision to start doing physical exercise, both to improve our physical condition, for a health issue, or...

How to Use a Heart Rate Monitor

Exercising and playing sports every day is a common recommendation from doctors and specialists in physical well -being to keep our heart in shape, which is...