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How to Jump Rope

The jump rope game is a popular game, which has acquired different names throughout history, as we can see, in Cuba it is called the...

How to Do a Definition Diet

A definition diet is a diet that consists of adopting eating habits to promote the greatest possible loss of fat and water while losing the least...

Causes of Cramps

Cramps are a situation of muscle pain and stiffness that hinder movement under normal conditions and are accompanied by a very characteristic pain. The name cramp comes from...

8 Sports for Kids

When it comes to sports and children are included in them, certain factors must be taken into account that foster an environment of cooperation,...

How to Lift More Weight in the Gym

When we start weight training, we are radiant and highly motivated. Every week we put more weight in the exercises we do and also, we get a...

4 Sailing Sports

Before talking about sailing sports, it is necessary to be aware of what this practice or sports discipline means or the concept of it, since...

How to Play Football Alone

Football is a universal sport and the favorite of the Spanish. Who, mostly children, has not played as a child in the schoolyard, at the...