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How to Train For a Marathon

Marathons are an excellent way to have fun and show the resistance to which we can put our body when running. If you or someone...

How to Train Pull-Ups

What are pull-ups and what do they consist of? Pull-ups are directly related to the body weight of the person who performs it, since it...

Swimming – Benefits and Drawbacks

Swimming is one of the most demanded sports today due to its versatility and the large number of options it brings together. In addition, it is done...

How to Do Pilates At Home

Pilates has been in fashion for several years. The success of this new sport should not surprise us because it has innumerable benefits for our...

10 Adventure Sports

It is known as an adventure sport, all those that are carried out at great heights, through steep mountains, or in different types of places that go...

Best Team Sports

Teamwork is one of the main values ​​that companies evaluate when deciding whether to hire a person. The departments of the companies are totally interconnected and...

How to Be Consistent In Exercising

Despite knowing that physical exercise is very important for physical and mental health, it is not easy for most people to maintain a consistency...